This is when you might notice that your gums are red and swollen as a result of bacteria. Chewing gum helps to create extra saliva within the mouth. You use eight different facial muscles to chew. If you're opting to chew gum that contains sugar, which most bubble gum options do, the sugar you're introducing in your mouth may be causing dental issues down the road. According to a study conducted by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, over 80 percent of adults have some form of gum disease, and over 90 percent of those who have it do not know they do. I think this is a mistake. And, as you can imagine, through that vast vacuum of information we call “the internet” I found more than a gazillion possible reasons for my tummy troubles: Too little fiber, too much fiber, food allergies, sugar, carbs, my sleeping habits, too much water, too little water, etc. Bad breath. This motion can eventually result in headaches and even damage the enamel. But is chewing gum bad for you? 7 Reasons Chewing Gum is Bad 1. Instead, the chewing gum fad continued to grow as both an “ugly habit” and a medicinal product. Bad breath isn’t just caused by the food you eat – it can also be an indicator of your gum health. I was a graduate student who frequently had subtle stomach aches… nothing that would keep me from my day, but definitely uncomfortable and really annoying. 7. Is Chewing Gum Bad for the Environment? We’ll highlight some key chewing gum facts and the healthiest chewing gum options available for keeping your pearly whites sparkling clean. Liked or not, gum continues to become popular among kids and adults even during present times. © 2021 | David Evans DDS | All Rights Reserved, Is Gum Bad for You? If you have bruxism, it’s wise to avoid chewing gum so as not to aggravate your condition. By clicking “submit,” you agree to receive emails from ThankYourBody and accept our web terms of use and privacy and cookie policy. Today, chewing gum is made of synthetic rubbers that mimic the chewy texture of chicle. That could mean the gums have receded (pulled away). Early symptoms of gum disease can be difficult to detect but may include seeing pink in the sink when you spit. Gum lovers particularly like the chewing and creation of bubbles. Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums and the tissues surrounding it, primarily caused by poor oral hygiene. I mean, every commercial told me that 4 out of 5 dentists recommend the stuff. Extra Sugar-Free Gum was created in 1984. This is especially true for... 2. Love it or hate it, chewing gum is not going away anytime in the near future. There’s no doubt that chewing gum is delicious. Sensitive teeth or feeling pain when you chew your food. How can I possibly give up my gum!? Chewing gum can cause damage to your braces by loosening brackets and bending wires, which can cost you time and money and lengthen the treatment process. According to a study conducted by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, over 80 percent of adults have some form of gum disease, and over 90 percent of those who have it do not know they do.. Get the Facts about Chewing Gum, Invisalign Vs. When … Many of the artificial sweeteners in sugar free gum can upset your stomach. Artificial Sweeteners. To get in touch, visit If you’ve been around the Thank Your Body site for a while you know how important metabolic health is. You could have some swollen and tender gums for a few days, and then nothing. Bad breath is symptom of digestive problems or excessive tooth decay. etc. But even the “safer” sweeteners are suspicious for this “back to basics, just eat what we recognize as real food” gal. Gum disease or periodontitis occurs when the gums, the tissues that hold your teeth in place, suffers from a serious infection due to the accumulation of plaque and bacteria. What Are the Symptoms of Gum Disease? Look for the ADA seal of approval that indicates a dentist recommended gum, like 5 Sugarfree Gum or Dentyne Ice Sugarless Gum. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest bubble ever blown measured 23 inches in diameter! Are you concerned about developing gum disease? Bad breath isn’t just caused by the food you eat – it can also be an indicator of your gum health. Chewing gum brings in an excess of swallowed air which can put pressure on the intestine and cause cramping and bloating. Fun facts about gum 01 Fact 01 The oldest candies in the world. They might be swollen, tender or bleed easily. Red or swollen gums. Chewing gum can be bad for you under some circumstances, such as: Excessive sugar can cause cavities, and there’s no doubt that sugar-filled gum can facilitate tooth decay. "Chewing gum definitely has its pros and cons, depending on the individual and the reasons for chewing it. One sign of gum recession is your teeth appearing longer than normal. Chewing gum is known to increase concentration power. Following the '80s wave of low-cal, sugar-free gums on the market, Extra came around and quickly became … And for those who suffer from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) this can be really bad. Chewing gum can exacerbate bruxism and potentially lead to TMJ, or jaw dysfunction that’s accompanied by pain and limited motion. He has been practicing for more than 16 years and specializes in both general and cosmetic dentistry. Gum disease is a bacterial infection along the gingival line. It is not so. Plus I'll send you a free copy of "Your Simply Healthy Handbook." It stops food from going bad by ... Titanium Dioxide. Um, just as a reminder: Don’t believe everything you read online. Once damaged, this area can produce pain and discomfort for a lifetime. Chicle Gum. If you suspect you may suffer from gum disease in Albuquerque, New Mexico, or a nearby area, contact our office. 10 Thank You, Mexico When gingivitis goes unchecked and unresolved, you may end up with periodontitis. The texture is similar to rubber due to the physical-chemical properties of polymer, resin components and plasticizer contributing sticky, elastic-plastic and chewy characteristics. There are chances that you might be witnessing the signs and symptoms of bad breath for some other underlying oral health disease like that of dry mouth or even plaque . In fact, when it first became a fad in the United States, many of the snootier folks hoped that the “vulgar fad” would pass on by. It should pass normally through your digestive tract. This is especially true for people with pre-existing jaw conditions like TMJ. Gum can also get stuck in wires, which can lead to sugar build up and eventually cause cavities. Gum is a popular favorite for those who want to whiten their teeth and freshen their breath. Like I tend to do, I started researching possible causes. But even if you don’t have a serious problem, excessive gum chewing can aggravates the cartilage and surrounding joints in the mouth through extra wear and tear. The consumption of chewing gum for combating bad breath is a temporary fix and lasts for as long as the flavor of the gum lasts. The whole “seven years” thing is a myth. The bad bacteria in your mouth digest sugar before it gets to your stomach, and you chew gum over a prolonged period of time, so those windows … Fun Fact #7. In fact, once I changed my diet and improved my health through real food I no longer had bad breath. However, it is still not advisable to swallow gums especially among children. Fortunately, there are plenty of sugar-free options out there today that taste amazing while helping keep cavities at bay. If you can’t imagine your life without chewing gum, be sure to look for gum that isn’t loaded with sugar — or better yet, a sugarless gum that’s sweetened with xylitol (a natural sweetener). Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) BHT is an antioxidant that’s added to many processed foods as a preservative. Gum can be bad for you if it’s loaded with sugar, if you have braces, or a condition like TMJ or bruxism. For some people chewing gum is bad because it can cause mouth disorders. And for the record, I didn’t have access to or knowledge of some of the resources I do now, so the reasons behind the “chewing gum is bad” idea was from two simple ideas: 1. Advanced cases of the disease involve severe damage to the jaw bone and eventually lead to tooth loss. Chewing gum causes unnecessary wear and tear of the cartilage that acts as a shock absorber in your jaw joints. (Source). Many times, gum disease symptoms come and go. Chewing on gum can help exercise the mouth muscles. Is dental hygiene a high priority of yours? SIGN UP FOR FREE UPDATES, OFFERS, & TIPS. Gums … etc. Get the Facts about Chewing Gum Facts About Chewing Gum. Don’t fear, in the a few days I will give you some natural ways to freshen your breath, improve your dental health, and feel okay about saying goodbye to gum for good. Chewing gums are the most used product in the world to have fresh breath. Unnecessary chewing can create chronic tightness in two of these muscles, located close to your temples. Recipe: Gluten Free Pumpkin Cream Cheese Bars,,, Our Favorite Non-Toxic, Chemical-Free Sunscreens, 13 Stretch Mark Creams That Are Safe for Pregnancy, A List of Our Favorite Silicone-Free Hair Products, 8 Products Every Natural Skincare Lover Needs, Top 7 Washable and Eco-Friendly Makeup Removers, Natural and Eco-Friendly Scrubs for a Glowing Face and Body, Our Favorite Sulfate-Free Shampoos of 2020, Our Pick of the Best Natural Shampoo Bars That Are Hot Right Now. Jaw Problems. Thank you for supporting this site with purchases made through links in this article. Many people have gum disease without knowing it. Additionally, check your gums for signs of sensitivity. According to Healthline, when you introduce sugar into your mouth, it's digested by bad bacteria. Sugar-Free Gums Contain Laxatives and FODMAPs. Although there are some downsides to chewing gum, it can provide many benefits under the right... Is Gum Bad for You? With bad breath and bleeding being two major signs, it sounds like you would clearly know if you have gum disease or not, Sadly, that is not the case. Important facts about gum disease One of the most famous, but false facts, is that swallowed gum will remain in your gastrointestinal tract for seven years. But my research made me think twice about my gum lovin’ ways. But did you know that chewing gum, which stimulates saliva production for an unnaturally long time, can take away from other important metabolic functions? Chewing gum … More chewing gum facts. Many types of bubble gum, fruit-flavored gum and even some types of mint flavored gum are chock full of sugar, so be sure to read labels and avoid sugary gum whenever possible to keep your teeth in good shape. Bruxism is a condition in which a patient frequently grinds or clenches the teeth. 100,000 tons of bubble gum is chewed every year all around the world. Stay tuned. Most gum these days love to market that they are “sugar free,” but artificial sweeteners are far from my “okay to eat” real food list. It can cause intestinal blockage if there is big quantity of gum ingested into the system. Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks that come with certain types of gum. Orthodontists have a particular distaste for gum, and for good reason. Unnecessary chewing can create chronic tightness in two of these muscles, located close to your temples. The gum will not stay forever in the stomach but gets grinded along with the acids and enzymes. Although there are some downsides to chewing gum, it can provide many benefits under the right circumstances. A piece of swallowed gum won’t clog up your intestines, but it will be with you for a few days. In its earliest stage, gingivitis, gum disease makes your gums red and swollen and can cause persistent bad breath. The Bad It turns out, chewing excess gum can affect your digestion, for the worse. According to Dr. Ben Kim, there are eight different facial muscles involved in chewing. Read why I don’t trust the stuff here. Chewing Gum: Good or Bad? The extra saliva works to reduce the number of bacteria which are present in the mouth. It's your #1 resource to make healthy living easy. And, lo and behold, my little stomach problems disappeared. Gum disease does not go away without professional treatment. If untreated this can cause bacteria to enter the blood stream and the heart. No more annoyed “why do I always feel this way!” episodes. Chicle is a natural product of trees which represent a natural gum traditionally used in making chewing gums. The short answer is: Yes, most gum made out of synthetic material is harmful to the environment. According to the American Dental Association, chewing in itself increases saliva flow, which in turn helps wash away the acid that can cause tooth decay. Chewing gum of present days consists of sweeteners, gum base, flavors, softeners/plasticizers, colors and hard of powdered polyol coating. Otherwise, chewing sugarless gum in moderation is pretty harmless. It can be the result of plaque, a sticky film made up of bacteria on the adjacent teeth that spread into the gum tissue. This can put pressure on the nerves that supply this area of your head, which can lead to chronic, intermittent headaches. Gum disease is a bacterial infection, which can cause a bad smell. For some people chewing gum is bad because it can cause mouth disorders. No more discomfort. In the early stages of gum disease, bacteria begin to grow between the teeth and the gums, forming infected pockets that contribute to your breath. That’s pretty scary when you think about some of the common ingredients listed on a pack of chewing gum: I remember how “minty clean” my mouth would feel after chewing a piece of gum (for a minute or two, at least), but gum doesn’t get rid of bad breath. True! That is why someone chewing gum often seems to have sweeter breath than someone who isn’t chewing gum. Aspartame is just on example that has been linked to brain tumors, birth defects, and cancer. That said, we still don’t recommend that you swallow it! If you swallow a piece of gum, there’s probably no reason to see a doctor. Gum disease could affect both the hard and soft structures that provide necessary support to your chompers. Of course, fast forward a decade or so (Man, I’m getting old…) and I have plenty of other reasons why I don’t chew gum. Just because you don’t generally ingest your gum doesn’t mean it doesn’t go in your body: The ingredients in gum travel into the bloodstream faster and in higher concentrations than food ingredients, because they absorb straight through the walls of the mouth, and these ingredients do not undergo the normal filtration process of digestion. Dentist prescribe sugar-free chewing gums to patients for good dental health. And since I’m lazy efficient I decided to try the easiest and most simple thing first: Surely gum chewing wasn’t bad, and surely gum chewing wasn’t my problem, right? You may also experience bad breath. Braces – What You Should Know, Sugar is Scary: Dental Tips for a Healthy Halloween, The Benefits of Fluoride Toothpaste & Mouthwash, 1455 Yarmouth Ave #115, Boulder, Colorado. As you’ve already learned, most gum that we buy is made from synthetic rubber, which is made from oil. I was the girl that popped a piece in anytime I was going to meet anyone new, go out with friends, after finishing a meal, or “just because.” I loved gum. © 2020 Thank Your Body. Crazy, right? It didn’t. For today’s Did You Know we will look at Chewing Gum fun facts such as chewing on gum while cutting onions can help a person from crying.. It is believed that ancient Greeks found relief from stress by chewing a gum that was made from a resin. Aspartame. Real food for the win! Most gum these days love to market that they are “sugar free,” but artificial sweeteners are... 3. Yikes! Over time, these bacteria can build up and cause blood clots. Chewing gum when you have braces is a surefire way to have problems down the road. Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums and the tissues surrounding it, primarily caused by poor oral hygiene. Dr. David Evans is a dentist based in North Boulder, Colorado. Swallowed bubble gum will not get stuck to your intestines, but will pass through your system, because, gum base cannot be digested, as it has fiber that is indigestible. All Rights Reserved. While morning breath can be normal, chronic bad breath may be a sign of gum disease. Interesting Facts About Bubble Gum. Chewing gum can produce a excessive “air pockets” that can upset your stomach. Hello. When it was first invented, chewing gum was made from a rubber extract called “chicle” that comes from the Latin American sapodilla tree. The Aztecs and Maya chewed chicle to stave off hunger, keep teeth clean, freshen breath as well as filling for tooth cavities. Gum is not allowed at my school and you will get in huge trouble if you are caught chewing it. Gum is one of the oldest candies that people have loved and hated all the same. I was the girl that had at least two packages of different flavors of gum in her purse at all times. Studies have also shown that chewing sugar-free gum after meals can help fight cavities, and it’s been said that chewing gum can even help improve concentration and memory. But what will I use to freshen my breath on that important first date, job interview, etc? 2. Food residue between teeth leads to bacterial growth, which in turn can cause bad breath. Sugar-Sweetened Gum Is Bad … These rubbers are flavored with either sugar, xylitol (a natural sweetener) or aspartame, as well as other natural and artificial flavors. Food residue between teeth leads to bacterial growth, which in turn can cause bad breath. If you like to chew gum for the sole purpose of freshening your breath, try using mouthwash, sugar-free mints or simply brushing your teeth. My name is Robin and I’m a recovered gum addict. In the early stages of gum disease, bacteria begin to grow between the teeth and the gums, forming infected pockets that contribute to your breath. It can help with bad breath issues. Some people dislike this candy because it can be messy when stuck in the wrong places. I started doing some self experimentation, trying to pinpoint what my particular issue was. And that brings me back to the reason I stopped in the first place. When it was first invented, chewing gum was made from a rubber extract called “chicle” that... Chewing Gum Benefits. This common condition doesn’t necessarily begin in the gums themselves. All of these are great options for those who have chewing sensitivities or braces. – C. Thomas Corriher (source). Gingivitis is the name given to the early stage of gum disease. I actually quit my chewing gum habit long before I switched to real foods and healthy supplements. Chewing gum is a very bad habit as when we chew something, our brain sends signals to our other body organs to prepare themselves for the process of digestion, So the stomach starts producing hydrochloric acid and other enzymes, and when it doesn’t get any food, our stomach starts bloating and creating different problems. Gum base can’t be digested, so it will pass through your system in one piece. Greeks found relief from stress by chewing a gum that we buy is made from synthetic rubber, which lead! Irritable Bowel Syndrome ) this can put pressure on the intestine and cause blood clots people chewing gum, 's! Appearing longer than normal teeth or feeling pain when you chew your food indicates a dentist based in Boulder. Great options for those who suffer from IBS ( Irritable Bowel Syndrome ) this can pressure... 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