In writing this article I found that I was not alone in doing so and this is a commonly kept and bred species. We use cookies to improve your experience of this website by remembering your usage preferences, collecting statistics, and targeting relevant content. You don’t have to make a statement in the shop — although I’ve seen it done — just don’t buy the fish! Sterbai Corydoras Care - Size, Life Span, Tank Mates, Breeding Usually, this whole process lasts all day. 5 Benefits of Fish Keeping At Home & Its Brings Wealth Too! Sterbai Corydoras; SKU: 226 Sterbai Corydoras. Many small characins that are found in the same habitat as the Corydoras would do well, too. The ones you have are the largest ones, except the panda, which is medium sized. in smaller aquaria. Is 2020 safely tucked behind us? $14.95 Product Description. What is its maximum size? The main color is dark brown with white and milky spots, which have different shapes, but they are about the same size. ‘cw028’) $ 31.99 $ 26.99. During this scattering from danger corys can get fatally stuck in rocks. I’ll go over: C. schwartzi is another stalwart of the aquarium hobby. Corydoras sterbai is a very stocky fish, being quite wide in the body, as well as deep, with striking patterning. Keep them in with similarly size peaceful species and keep them in groups of 5 or more. In this tank there must have been at least a hundred, if not more semi-adult corys — all of them offspring. This rare Corydoras is an incredibly colorful, undescribed species from Peru and we have tank-raised specimens! For reliability, You can fix the plants with large stones. ... Corydoras sterbai Knaack, 1962 (Sterba's corydoras) Corydoras surinamensis Nijssen, 1970; Corydoras sychri S. H. Weitzman, 1960 (Sychr's catfish) Corydoras treitlii Steindachner, 1906 (Long-snout corydoras) Corydoras … Keeping two or three males per one female is about right if you’re planning a breeding project, but in all but the most boisterous of Corydoras species this ratio isn’t really important. Home › STERBAI CORYDORA (Corydoras sterbai) 1909. Sterbai Cory Factsheet. Generally, I’d suggest avoiding rockwork with holes and cavities, as well as piles of rocks. Scale up if you have more or larger corys and feed at the same time as flake food to ensure all fish get something. Anyway, it’s long been filed in that ever-expanding part of my mind where I keep ideas for new tanks…. The species was later described to science by Jenyns in 1842 from that same expedition. Some more sterbai cory juveniles have come available in my area today and I'd love to get some, but I still feel the need to get to the bottom of my other cory deaths because I sure don't want it happening again! Sponsors. Cory's are usually not recommended for a 10 gallon. Description Description. This is happening with the beautiful Corydoras weitzmani and, if history repeats, we will hopefully see this species become more available and drop well under the tenner a fish mark. The Sterbai Corydoras originate from South America where they are widely found in shallow waters and tributaries around Brazil and Bolivia. Different species will shoal together interchangeably — and with similarly shaped or patterned Corydoras even more so. 'Bread and butter' fish is the term given by the trade to those species that any shop with even just a dozen tanks will stock. Albino Sterbai Cory Cat - Corydoras sterbai var 'albino' The Metae Cory Cat is an uncommon corydoras species, they…, Bronze Cory / Green Corydoras Cory Cat - Corydoras aeneus Great for commun…, C115 Cory Cat - Corydoras sp. Sterbai Corydoras are not very large in size because, in their natural habitat, adult individuals reach only 8 cm in length, and in aquariums, they grow to a maximum of 5 cm. At first, they practically do not move, and after 2-3 days they begin to swim. Related products. The favored tankmates of the Corydoras Sterbai are other Corydoras Sterbai; a group of at least four is suggested, allowing that there is enough space in the tank. Bronze corydoras, also known as Emerald catfish and Green Corys, also require minimal care. While a good recommendation for the community tank, this species does well in higher temperatures too and will thrive up to around 30°C/86°F. Unsurprisingly, it’s commonly known as the Pygmy cory and it — along with other similar small species such as C. habrosus and C. hastatus — are something a bit different again. I think that view has rather caught on, as I have not seen a dyed cory for a few years now. To maintain cleanliness, several snails can be launched into the hider. It’s a fact of taxonomic life that all organisms are reclassified, renamed, combined with other species or split out from them as more research is carried out and new species and areas of the world are uncovered by scientists. They do well in tanks with softer substrates like sand or smooth pebbles. The former condition means you are looking at malnourished fish and the latter can have a number of causes — ranging from unsettled new imports through to indicating a problem with holding water quality, to an equally wide range of internal problems from parasites to organ damage. I’ve had great results keeping these fish with pencilfish (Nannostomus spp.) For example, peppered cory catfish (Corydoras paleatus) and julii cory catfish (Corydoras julii) are found on the cooler end of the spectrum, whereas sterbai cory catfish (Corydoras sterbai) can live in higher temperatures. his Corydoras has been around for many years and is still very popular, and when it pops up in auctions they can still fetch a reasonable price. The eggs themselves are white and they are quite large (up to 2 mm). 2 mm in diameter), sticky eggs are attached to a plant or stone. Chances are that if you have pretty much any size of community tank, and indeed many more specialised set-ups like river biotopes, then there is a species of Corydoras for you. The latter are very hardy fish, ideal for the regular community tank and often the first species of Corydoras, and indeed catfish, that many fishkeepers keep and indeed spawn. * Sterbai Cory quantity. They can reach 2.6 inches. In spawning, it is advisable to install a filter with a sponge and place at least one large plant. How hard are they to keep? It has white spots on a dark body and is a very popular species in the hobby. It was really quite a sight and perhaps the closest I’ve come to seeing how these fish behave in large groups in the wild. Required fields are marked *. Recommended pH range for the species: 6.2 - 7.8. More recently the introduction of Corydoras similis has seen it become captive bred and frequently available and kept. Jun 7, 2019 79 65 21 62. So it’s important to be mindful of fish count and overstocking. Brexit AND a global pandemic. Corydoras panda is a smaller species, the larger females not getting past 5cm/2” and as such it is easy to recommend a larger shoal of five or more individuals for your tank. Add to cart. These are gamely taken on by breeders and often result in that species becoming increasingly available and affordable to the rest of us. C. sterbai has recently become available in an albino form and a black form. About a week later, fry appears from the eggs. Hola! 'Agassiz' turned out to be pretty much anything with big black spots and on this trip included Corydoras ambiacus and C. leucomelas, and perhaps also young C. agassizii. On that subject, while easy to feed on sinking tablets and crushed flake, you shouldn’t be surprised if they tackle larger morsels — such is the gregariousness of the species. As another rule, avoid Corydoras with pinched bellies or those that, unmolested, do not rest on the aquarium floor. Corydoras are shoaling fish and these shoals have a fright reflex. STERBAI CORYDORA (Corydoras sterbai) Regular price $14.99 We have 100 left in stock. Hiyotada Scientific name: Corydoras paleatus Also known as: Blue Leopard Corydoras, Peppered Catfish, Peppered Cory Adult size: Males–2.5 inches (6.5 cm), Females–3 inches (7.5 cm) Lifespan: 5 years Minimum tank size: 15 gallon pH: 6.0–7.0 Hardness: to 12 degrees dGH Temperature: 72–78 degrees F (22–26 degrees C) Tankmates: Peaceful, best kept in schools … The Black "Venezuela" Cory Catfish is an ultra-dark variant that is not widely available! What are the ideal water conditions?Will except a wide range of water conditions. - CotM 2003 July - Shane's World Reproduction Breeding Corydoras sterbai: Species Information; Size: 68mm or 2.7" SL.Find near, nearer or same sized spp. Premium Fish like these catfish are more energetic, more hardy, and more colorful than fish from other sources. The body of this species is rounded, it narrows to the caudal fin, and the trail consists of two blades. Electric Blue Hap – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! pH: 6.2-7.0. Be aware these fish do have a carnivorous side to them and love foods such as Bloodworm and Brine Shrimp. From … Some more sterbai cory juveniles have come available in my area today and I'd love to get some, but I still feel the need to get to the bottom of my other cory deaths because I sure don't want it happening again! I once saw a large tank, around 152-183cm/5-6’ long and 61cm/2’ square at the side, fully decorated with wood and plants but it was, in essence, being used by the aquarist as a grow-out tank for his prodigious group of Bronze corys that were spawning regularly. The Sterbai cory is distinguishable from other Corydoras species as it has white spots on a black background on its head. Home / LIVESTOCK / CATFISH / Sterbai Cory. These freshwater inhabitants breathe atmospheric oxygen, so it is important for them to leave a small space between the cover and the surface of the water, and there should be diffused light in the aquarium. The Tetras I'm going to get are probably going to be 1-2 inches. Recently an albino form has been available for sale and there is a very similar looking variety, though it is rarely imported, from Bolivia. It has the black eye stripe we see in many species, but also an unusually creamy body coloration and a remarkable orange spot on its head. A pH between 7.0 and 8.0, alkalinity between 3° and 10° dKH (54ppm to 180ppm) and temperature between 74° and 80° F are ideal conditions for most captive bred Cory … Adult males are always smaller than females of the species, but you more often find them for sale, especially captive-bred populations, at a size that makes it simple to tell gender. In this case, they raise the accumulated dirt from the bottom, as a result of which the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy. The fish spawn in open water and 1-2 large (ca. The fish inhabits in Ucayali river basin, in Peru (upper Amazon river). Corydoras’ need a pH between 7.0-7.8 and bettas need a pH of 7. What Size Tank Do Cory Catfish Need? These fish are almost always commercially raised on fish farms, despite the fact that they — or a group of species similar — are widespread across all of tropical South America. Sterba catfish reach their puberty by about a year. The bottom substrate of your tank should be either sand, or round rocks. This particular species of catfish was first discovered in 1962 in South America by Dr. Günther Sterba and was named in his honor. Corydoras Sterbai (Sterba’s Cory) This fish is another relative newcomer to the hobby and a very beautiful one at that. It turns out that fishkeeping isn’t such a lucrative industry for shop owners, with many living a perpetual state of financial hand-tomouth. Bronze corydoras, also known as Emerald catfish and Green Corys, also require minimal care. Males will also tend towards more pointed fins, except perhaps the caudal fin. This species received its name in honor of the aquarist and naturalist Dr. Gunther Sterbai. So-called nano aquariums have recently carved themselves a niche interest area in our hobby and Corydoras pygmaeus is one of the common dwarf or ‘micro’ Corydoras very much suited to life in such a set-up. MrChips's American Cichli... by MrChips [December 13, 2020, 10:34:52 am] one for Ian (plankton) by Stephen [December 12, 2020, 01:09:27 pm] Diatoms never going in ma... by … jpappy789 Plants need meat too . I found it surprising that, among catfish keepers at least, Corydoras sterbai (above) is the second most commonly kept species. 6.5cm Where are they from?The Sterbas Cory originate from the State of Mato Grosso upper Rio Guapore Brazil. One problem I’ve had with Corydoras generally, and this species particularly, is that due to twin rows of armoured scales that cover their flanks, they are, relative to other catfish at least, quite immobile. Select options. Also, corydoras generally don't … Can I come back out? CW028 Super Schwarzi Cory (Corydoras sp. Make a partial water change of 20% and add new cooler water and … They tend to be active, but frequently shy as compared to other Cory's. Sterbai Corydoras. How To Breed Corydoras Sterbai. Possible sick sterbai Cory. The fins of the fish are translucent with a barely noticeable dotted pattern, and only on the abdomen, they have a bright orange color. Categories: Freshwater Fish, Catfish. All fish are available in our your local shop in Portlaoise. Again, buy a group of juveniles and have fun watching the girls separate from the boys and the latter developing their colours. If you didn’t know, corydoras is a type of catfish that lives in freshwater! Add to Cart. F. FJB AC Members. A fifteen or twenty have the space needed for them. Like many Corydoras species, Sterba's corydoras is a shoaling catfish, and thus should ideally be kept in groups of Our aim is to help educate anyone who wants to keep fish. 4.5cm $16 each 3 for $45 6 for $85 10 for $130 National shipping is available or pick up in Erskineville. To a lesser degree this is also true with filter and heater attachments, although I’ve not experienced this happening with them. Time and again over the decades we’ve see new or newly available Corydoras introduced at high prices. If considering buying this species, try to find out if it is wild-caught or captive-bred. To keep these fish in captivity, water pH should be between 6.0 and 7.6 and water temperature should range from 73ºF to 79ºF. With this species I find the quality of imported stock variable and sometimes you need to feed them up on arrival. They are the easiest, cutest fish I've ever owned! The article first appeared in the December 2008 issue of Practical Fishkeeping magazine. It’s like a variety of Tancho koi but in a catfish with stripes is very easy on the eye. When I aquascaped it I decided to make a gravel bank. In this area rivers are filled with meltwater flowing down from the snowy Andes, that’s why panda cory is used to fast water flow and quite low water temperature (about 19 °C). The pectoral and ventral fins are bright orange, and some of the fish have an orange front dorsal … The Sterbai Cory or Corydoras Sterbai is a member of the Corydoras catfish family. The female will attach her mouth to the male's genital opening, creating the well-known "T-position" many Corydoras exhibit during courtship. However, Sterba's corydoras is a hardy fish and tank bred specimens have adapted to a wider range of water conditions. In the wild it can be found in Brazil and thus, wild caught fish prefer soft, acidic water. A PH of 5.6-7.5 is best. These captive-bred fish are generally more hardy and adaptable than their wild counterparts, having been raised in conditions far re… At worst this means there is a scarcity of dissolved oxygen in their surroundings, perhaps because it’s a bit warm — but if not done repeatedly, this can be put down to simply something that they just do. Like many Corydoras species, the Sterbai cory is a shoaling catfish, and thus should ideally be kept in groups of 5 or more. All were moving at the same time or coming to rest en masse. Corydoras’ need a temperature between 70-78 and bettas need one as close to 78°F as possible (however they can survive in water as cool as 76°F) Most importantly make sure the nitrate levels in your tank stay at 0ppm. Corydoras, Brochis and Aspidoras species are found in soft water with a low pH in the wild, however, many species sold today are commercially raised and tolerate a much wider range of water chemistry. I have never seen any negatives from mixing types, nor from having fewer than a magic number. Apistogramma … Here, you can find out everything you need to know about keeping fish and aquarium maintenance. Myself William and I love aquarium fishes! Is it over yet? The Sterbai Cory in their natural habitat swim in groups in which there are several tens, and sometimes even hundreds of fish. 2572212 | VAT registration No. Recent Topics. Feb 18, 2007 26,364 5 89 29 Gainesville, FL … Difficulty: Easy. The Cory Catfish (Corydoras sp. If you continue to use this site we’ll assume you’re happy to receive all cookies. I also found this species to be very active during the day. These fish have been injected with dye and, irrespective of any argument around this affecting vitality or longevity, just doesn’t seem right to me. Wild-caught specimens of this species are unusual to find for sale and command much higher prices than the omnipresent captive-reared individuals you find in virtually all shops. Don’t confuse this with something that all Corydoras do naturally, and that is rapidly rise, usually vertically to the water surface, take in a gulp of air and expel it while coming back to rest. In general, these fish are considered omnivorous, but it is best to give them the following types of food: In order to prevent part of the live food from creeping out into the ground, it is best to place a small saucer in one part of the aquarium and lower the food into it. Minimum Tank Size: 40 L Catfish help keep the tank clean by eating algae and, as they are bottom feeders, will also eat any food particles that … Dwarf Gourami – Types, Care, Feeding & Other Details. Gallery. Therefore, it is best to keep catfish in small flocks of 5-10 each, then they will feel more comfortable and more confident. It may not be reproduced without written permission. Their natural habitat is in clear, slow moving streams and shallow rivers, usually where there is vegetation at the banks. The name Corydoras translates literally from Greek as Temperature: 22-27°C. It comes from Brazil, from the waters of the upper Guapore, near Pontes e Lacerda. Quantity. In the area of the head and back, these spots are randomly located, but on the body – linearly. Partial water changes should be carried out once a week. Again a commonly available species, the Peppered cory, (C. paleatus) is not one however that enjoys the warmer side of aquarium life. You can avoid this situation by ensuring that the fish have enough food. Originally I kept this species in a blackwater tank and they really do well in or around pH 5 with a sandy substrate, a little bogwood and no plants. The albino is an aeneas (green and bronze, too) and they get quite large as adults, which will take … viagra onlin professional viagra viagra... Emperor Tetra – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! According to Wikipedia This species is very easy to breed in aquarium. Dec 28, 2020 #5 In order to ascertain the problem, it would be useful to know the type of sand you have as substratum … CW010), also known as the Gold Laser Cory Catfish, is a relatively newfound species that is native to Peru. I have all the cory's you do plus 7 other kinds, they're all in 30 to 36 in tanks except the habrosas, in a 20 gal. Corydoras come from South America, between Argentine and Columbia, with the vast majority originating from the Amazon basin. The bronze corydoras (Corydoras aeneus), green corydoras, bronze catfish, lightspot corydoras or wavy catfish is a tropical freshwater fish in the "armored catfish" family, Callichthyidae, often kept in captivity by fish keepers.It is widely distributed in South America on the eastern side of the Andes, from Colombia and Trinidad to the Río de la Plata basin. To stimulate spawning, you must perform the following steps: A female ready for spawning quickly grows fat from caviar, just during this period, it needs to be placed together with males. They are healthier and more easily conditioned to spawn in your aquarium. Panda cory will feel comfortable in thickly planted tank, where it can hide among the plant leaves. Vegetable-based foods offer little nutrition to them. I take that with a pinch of aquarium salt, but this species, introduced with many of the first South American imports — and originally from the area around Buenos Aires in Argentina — does in fact hail from cooler waters. It can dwell both in clean and muddy waters of streams and tributaries, quite often it swims near sandy bottom. VENEZUELA BLACK. For spawning, you can put a small flock of nine fish, and if the size does not allow, then you should take one female and two males. Corys are facultive air breathers due to their highly vascularized intestine so they often go to the surface for a gulp of air. Sterbai Cory Catfish: This is a common species featuring white spots on its dark body. Forever spoiled for choice, you can't go far wrong with a Corydoras, says Julian Dignall. Sterbai cories are inverted julii corys. The Panda cory is slightly smaller with patches. In my experience, this species is one of those Corydoras that appreciates the inclusion of broad-leaved plants for both cover and for perching on at rest. C125 Aspidoras Cat … Of course, if you consider adding more fish, whether Corydoras or something else, you’ll need a bigger tank. Depending on the species, most cory catfish enjoy temperatures between 72 and 82°F. The Peppered cory was first 'discovered' by a young Charles Darwin when visiting Buenos Aires during his epic expedition aboard the Beagle in the mid 1830s. Sterbai Cory can eat it constantly and in large quantities, but they also do not refuse other food. These are very healthy and active Sterbai Cory cats. The larger ones are about 4 inches long, and the smallest ones are slightly over one inch long. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details You Need! In the aquarium, they most often eat from the bottom, but sometimes they rise to the surface of the water for food, especially if it is not enough. Like Corydoras sterbai, this species created something of a storm when first introduced, but again was soon found to be easy to keep and breed. If you’ve a little patience, Corydoras elegans is one of those species where males and females have different body patterns. These then are hardy fish and an excellent inexpensive choice for your first cory. Sale! I would love to get more and stock my new tank full of them, but with different coloring and I love the look of the Sterbai ones. These species don’t get much bigger than 3cm/1.2”, again with males about 1cm/0.4” smaller. Julii corys are white with many tiny stripes and spots. Sterbai Cory € 5.00. In nature, Sterbai Corydoras eat worms, plants, and small crustaceans. Many fishkeepers have bred these fish and a good breeding ratio is about 2 males per females. The first person to keep this fish was Randolph H. Richards in 1968. Albino corys are generally a form of bronze cory, but can be another species. They will be a great addition to your clean up crew in a Discus Community Tank. Yellow Lab Cichlid (Electric Yellow Cichlid) – Care, Tank Mates, Size & Details! These are compressed together and can look more like lines than individual spots. If the latter you will have less to consider in terms of water quality and I’ve yet to see any difference in intensity of colour of behaviour in comparing wild-caught versus several generations of captive-bred stock. Swordtail Fish – Care, Tankmates, Feeding, Breeding & Details. I have a 55 gallon tank. Corydoras sterbai. Our hobby is littered with cases of mistaken identify. 3" trio plus 35 fry, Endlers plus fry. However, thi… In this corydoras guide, I’ll be covering all of the stats of each discovered species. Corys seems to … The point of this story is that even the collectors, deep in the Amazon, had picked up and retained this incorrect name from the trade and older aquarium books. Anyway, it’s a name. … Its popularity is also due in part to the attractive appearance of a creamy white spotted head and bright orange pectoral fin rays. Catfish as a rule dwells in the bottom water layer. Hiyotada Scientific name: Corydoras paleatus Also known as: Blue Leopard Corydoras, Peppered Catfish, Peppered Cory Adult size: Males–2.5 inches (6.5 cm), Females–3 inches (7.5 cm) Lifespan: 5 years Minimum tank size: 15 gallon pH: 6.0–7.0 Hardness: to 12 degrees dGH Temperature: 72–78 degrees F (22–26 degrees C) Tankmates: Peaceful, best kept in schools with other smaller fish Most of the ones on sale in the UK originate from Eastern Europe or the Far East. In nature, plants don’t feature much in that low a pH and often plant cover is only provided by vegetation overhanging the water rather than growing in it. The main talking point about sterbai is of course the pectoral fins, being the colour of orange, one of a handful of Cory's with this trait, the ventral fins are also this colour. Click here for more about our Premium … Keeping Sterbai Corydoras does not cause difficulties even for beginner aquarists, because they are completely unpretentious. Avoid any large or aggressive fish. It’s of medium size, with females around 6cm/2.4”. Synonyms : Corydoras sterbae : Distribution : Bolivia & Brazil, South America. Price: $12.99. I watched them for ages. They get along well with other small catfish as well as small peaceful fish. F. FJB AC Members. Sterbai Cory (Corydoras sterbai) – Group of 5 Fish $ 33.99 – $ 35.99. The Panda cory is slightly smaller with patches. Corydoras Sterbai is identified by their twin rows of armor plates that run along the flanks and by having less than 10 dorsal-fin rays.. One of the most colorful and popular of the Corydoras species is C. sterbai, first described by Knaack in 1962. When first introduced into the hobby, this species sold for high prices and, even in the early 1990s, breeding pairs could fetch around £50. It will not spoil them and make them subsequently adverse to cheaper foods. I’ve been keeping a shoal of Corydoras adolfoi for nearly 14 years and at least three are ten years old. Many small characins that are found in the same habitat as the Corydoras would do well, too. For dwarf species, a 10-gallon aquarium may be suitable, but we recommend 20 gallons or more for most other varieties. Let’s hope so, but don’t forget this is down to the efforts of breeders and you should support them and their efforts in buying, keeping and perhaps having a few breeding successes of your own. There are hundreds of species to choose from, most are easy to keep, many are inexpensive, every fish shop has some, and they even have a scientific name that’s easy to pronounce — although it is commonly contracted to cory! Or two shoals about putting a few years now from that same expedition from Brazil, South.. Relatively newfound species that is native to Peru pleasant, almost comical demeanour fish! Them offspring least one large plant fins are a black base color silvery. Thanks to its calm disposition, catfish Corridoras Shterba can be another species are Tetras, cichlids... 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All cookies fish inhabits in Ucayali river basin, in Peru ( upper Amazon river.... Described to science by Jenyns in 1842 from that same expedition in deliveries related to the for... Not refuse other food this happening with them your usage preferences, statistics. Wide and elongated vegetation at the same habitat as the soil, you can find out if it advised! Move, and have fun watching the girls separate from the waters of streams and shallow rivers usually... Corydoras catfish species are naturally small in size, with females around 6cm/2.4 ” males will also towards... Well in tanks with softer substrates like sand or smooth pebbles Wealth too get hold of specimens. Or round rocks volume of 70 liters will be sufficient but the females on! Because they are, they practically do not refuse other food that view has rather caught on, I! 638 3492 15, Copyright © 2021 Warners Group Publications Plc choices for your first..