The differences that exist in varying degrees between them and the Catholic Church - whether in doctrine and sometimes in discipline, or concerning the structure of the Church - do indeed create many obstacles, sometimes serious ones, to full ecclesiastical communion. [15] Cf. It has already declared its teaching on the Church, and now, moved by a desire for the restoration of unity among all the followers of Christ, it wishes to set before all Catholics the ways and means by which they too can respond to this grace and to this divine call. ), and in particular the "Common Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" (1999). Tim Heidecker, My own opinion is that youthfulness of feeling is retained, as is youthfulness of appearance, by constant use of the intellect. It fits into the context of the ecumenical movement that came into being in the 20th century outside the Catholic Church (cf. During the Council, "subsistit in" replaced the pre-existing "est".6 This contains in nuce the whole of the ecumenical problem.7, The "est" affirmed that the Church of Jesus Christ "is" the Catholic Church. VI (1439), Definitio Laetentur caeli: Mansi 31 1026 E. Copyright 2018-2022, Vatican City State, Catholic Committee for Cultural Collaboration, Collaboration for the diffusion of the Bible, Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism, The Ecumenical Dimension in the Formation of those Engaged in Pastoral Work, The Bishop and Christian Unity: An Ecumenical Vademecum, Suggestions for the organization of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews (CRRJ), ILC (International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee), Dialogue between Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and the Great Rabbinate of Israel. Undoubtedly this is the basis of the movement toward unity. [13] Christ Jesus Himself was forever to remain the chief cornerstone[14] and shepherd of our souls.[15]. Since there is only one Christ and only one Eucharist, each Church which celebrates the Eucharist is in a relationship of communion with all the other Churches. To make easier the ecumenical dialogue in spite of these differences, we wish to set down some considerations which can, and indeed should, serve as a basis and encouragement for such dialogue. Everywhere large numbers have felt the impulse of this grace, and among our separated brethren also there increases from day to day the movement, fostered by the grace of the Holy Spirit, for the restoration of unity among all Christians. The Present and Future Situation of the Ecumenical Movement, in: Information Service n. 109, 2002/I-II, 11-20. Le Guillou, Mission et unit. 3, 27-28 gr.). Christ the Lord founded one Church and one Church only. Mhler and J.H. The Decree was a beginning. In the Decree Unitatis Redintegratio, the Second Vatican Council recognized that the ecumenical movement is a sign of the Holy Spirit's action and said that it considered the promotion of this movement to be one of its principal tasks. Ut Unum Sint, n. 11), even if they are not yet in full communion with her. 6 Overview in Synopsis historica, edited by G. Alberigo-F. Magistretti, Bologna, 1975, 38; 439 ff. However, many Christian communions present themselves to men as the true inheritors of Jesus Christ; all indeed profess to be followers of the Lord but differ in mind and go their different ways, as if Christ Himself were divided. The Council integrated the ecumenical movement into this eschatological dynamic. Incorporation into the Church reaches its fullness with the Eucharist, which is the source, fulcrum and summit of Christian and ecclesial life (cf. And We, by the apostolic authority given Us by Christ and in union with the Fathers, approve, decree and establish them in the Holy Spirit and command that they be promulgated for the glory of God. Unitatis redintegratio ( Restoration of unity) is the Second Vatican Council 's decree on ecumenism. This Sacred Council is gratified to note that the participation by the Catholic faithful in ecumenical work is growing daily. Unitatis Redintegratio, n. 4; Ut Unum Sint, n. 14). LATERANSE V, Sess. 17 John Paul II, Encyclical Slavorum Apostoli (1985), n. 27. Consequently, the problem of the salvation of non-Catholics is no longer resolved at the individual level, based on the subjective wishes of an individual as intimated in Mystici Corporis, but at an institutional level and in an objective ecclesiological way. The above words of Pope John Paul II, together with the opening words of the Vatican II Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio - "The restoration of unity among all Christians is one of the principal concerns of the Second Vatican Council" - make clear beyond all doubt the Catholic Church's commitment to ecumenism, to the quest for . Herders Theologischer Kommentar Zum Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil Hthk Vat Ii Orientalium Ecclesiarum Unitatis Redintegratio Christus Dominus Educationis Nostra Aetate Dei Verbum By Peter H Nermann Dr. Roman A. Siebenrock, Universitt Insbruck) Dei Verbum (Prof. Dr. Helmut Hoping, Universitt Freiburg) When comparing doctrines with one another, they should remember that in Catholic doctrine there exists a hierarchy of truths, since they vary in their relation to the fundamental Christian faith. Already in various spheres of the Church's life, this renewal is taking place. But the Council warns against polemics. It serves to prepare the new historical features of the Church, not a new Church but a Church that is spiritually renewed and enriched. The brethren divided from us also use many liturgical actions of the Christian religion. In other words, the Council gave fresh importance to the eschatological dimension, showing that the Church is not a static but a dynamic reality, that she is the People of God on pilgrimage between the "already" and the "not yet". Declaration of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Mysterium Ecclesiae (1973), n. 1; also the Declaration Dominus Iesus (2000), n. 17. Presbyterorum ordinis) Volume 5 (Gaudium et spes) Rediscovering Vatican II. The restoration of unity among all Christians is one of the principal concerns of the Second Vatican Council. Vatican II's Decree on Ecumenism (Unitatis Redintegratio) was issued on November 21, 1964, the same day as the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church and the Decree on the Catholic Eastern Churches . 11, 26; Presbyterorum Ordinis, n. 5; Ad Gentes, n. 39). Such theories of ecclesiological pluralism are in contradiction to the understanding of the proper identity which the Catholic Church as for also the Orthodox Churches has always had in the course of her Tradition, an understanding that the Second Vatican Council also chose to adopt. The Church is always in need of this, in so far as she is an institution of men here on earth. In addition, the way is prepared for cooperation between them in the duties for the common good of humanity which are demanded by every Christian conscience; and, wherever this is allowed, there is prayer in common. She journeys on to fully achieve her nature in life. But its acceptance by the Second Vatican Council is rooted in the Catholic theology of the 19th century. The Western schism that was brought about by the Reformation in the 16th century is of another nature. We are aware indeed that there exist considerable divergences from the doctrine of the Catholic Church concerning Christ Himself, the Word of God made flesh, the work of redemption, and consequently, concerning the mystery and ministry of the Church, and the role of Mary in the plan of salvation. Thus they promote the right ordering of Christian life and, indeed, pave the way to a full vision of Christian truth. Unitatis Redintegratio Quotes. 4, 16 ff.). Unitatis Redintegratio, n. 4), and marked a decisive turning point with the creation of the "World Council of Churches" in 1948. [2] Cf. It would therefore be erroneous to disregard this fundamental continuity by considering the Council as a radical break with Tradition and identifying it with the advent of a new Church. [10] Cf. As the Council says, the Ecclesial Communities born from the Reformation "have not preserved the proper reality of the Eucharistic mystery in its fullness especially because of the absence of the Sacrament of Orders" (Unitatis Redintegratio, n. 22). To achieve this purpose, study is of necessity required, and this must be pursued with a sense of realism and good will. 13 On the notion of "the structures of sin", cf. The Council, therefore, spoke of relations between local Churches as between Sister Churches (cf. On the contrary, it suggests a new and deeper understanding of the Tradition transmitted to us once and for all. 20 21-23. I seldom look back, only forward in anticipation of the next greater now. Lumen Gentium, n. 8). The basic idea of the Second Vatican Council and in particular the Decree on Ecumenism can be summed up in one word: communio.14 The term is important for a proper understanding of the issue of the "elementa ecclesiae". S. AUGUSTINUS, In Ps. Pope John Paul II has called for a fraternal dialogue on the future exercise of this ministry (cf. Tertio Millennio Adveniente, n. 18). Ut Unum Sint, n. 14), which includes unity in the faith, in the sacraments and in the ecclesiastical ministry (cf. Eph. He gave His followers a new commandment to love one another,[4] and promised the Spirit, their Advocate,[5] who, as Lord and life-giver, should remain with them forever. Among those in which Catholic traditions and institutions in part continue to exist, the Anglican Communion occupies a special place. We now turn our attention to the two chief types of division as they affect the seamless robe of Christ. Lumen Gentium, nn. Unitatis Redintegratio, n. 14). However, it no longer describes the way in which the Catholic Church understands herself in terms of "splendid isolation", but takes note of the active presence of the one Church of Christ also in other Churches and Ecclesial Communities (cf. but we can pray with non-Catholics in the sense of praying "in their presence.". The Council asserted no new doctrine but introduced a new attitude, the renouncement of triumphalism, and formulated the traditional understanding of her identity in a way that is realistic, historically concrete and, one might add, even humble. The Council was able to adopt the ecumenical movement because it saw the Church in movement, that is, as the People of God pressing forward (cf. After taking all these factors into consideration, this Sacred Council solemnly repeats the declaration of previous Councils and Roman Pontiffs, that for the restoration or the maintenance of unity and communion it is necessary to impose no burden beyond what is essential. UNITATIS REDINTEGRATIO INTRODUCTION. Later quotes indeed showed that the older . Unitatis Redintegratio, nn. Quotes of Fr. He brings them into intimate union with Christ, so that He is the principle of the Church's unity. the Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II, Reconciliatio et Paenitentia (1984), n. 16, and Ut Unum Sint, n. 34. As the Decree on Ecumenism clearly recognizes, it is a matter of a complex and differentiated phenomenon, as much historical as it is doctrinal. 2, 17-18, collato Mc. However, many Christian communions present themselves to men as the true inheritors of Jesus Christ; all indeed profess to be followers of . This dynamic, as has happened all too often in the Church's history, could have been erroneously interpreted as a progressivist movement that saw the heritage of ancient traditions as obsolete, rejecting it in the name of what might be termed a progressivist conception of faith. The Council is the Magna Charta for the Church's journey in the 21st century (cf. Witness to the unity of the Church very generally forbids common worship to Christians, but the grace to be had from it sometimes commends this practice. All Rights Reserved. But let all, according to the gifts they have received enjoy a proper freedom, in their various forms of spiritual life and discipline, in their different liturgical rites, and even in their theological elaborations of revealed truth. Everyone also knows with what great love the Christians of the East celebrate the sacred liturgy, especially the eucharistic celebration, source of the Church's life and pledge of future glory, in which the faithful, united with their bishop, have access to God the Father through the Son, the Word made flesh, Who suffered and has been glorified, and so, in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, they enter into communion with the most holy Trinity, being made sharers of the divine nature. Wherever this occurs there is a real risk of relativism and indifferentism, of "cheap ecumenism" that ends by becoming superfluous. 25 Cf. From: Unitatis Redintegratio (Chapter 1: Catholic Principles on Ecumenism, No. Council clearly makes ecumenism binding as the work of the Spirit. 15 Cf. 6. Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. Cooperation among Christians vividly expresses the relationship which in fact already unites them, and it sets in clearer relief the features of Christ the Servant. 18. Where the authentic theological traditions of the Eastern Church are concerned, we must recognize the admirable way in which they have their roots in Holy Scripture, and how they are nurtured and given expression in the life of the liturgy. How far does ecumenism still have to go? All believers in Christ can, through this cooperation, be led to acquire a better knowledge and appreciation of one another, and so pave the way to Christian unity. According to the Bishop and Martyr, Irenaeus of Lyons, it is God's Spirit who keeps young and fresh the apostolic patrimony that was bequeathed to us once and for all.4. The title of the document is taken from the opening words of the Latin text. Today, in many parts of the world, under the inspiring grace of the Holy Spirit, many efforts are being made in prayer, word and action to attain that fullness of unity which Jesus . They must take full account of all these factors and, where this is done, it will greatly contribute to the dialogue that is looked for. Baptism is evidently only the point of departure and the basis (cf. FLORENTINUM, Sess. 7. 1 Jn. 18, 36, 79). CONC. II, vol. Baptism, therefore, envisages a complete profession of faith, complete incorporation in the system of salvation such as Christ willed it to be, and finally complete ingrafting in eucharistic communion. The restoration of unity among all Christians is one of the principal concerns of the Second Vatican Council" (n. 1). However, they were in agreement over the fundamental structure, both Eucharistic-sacramental and episcopal. The integration of ecumenical theology in the ecclesiology of communio makes it possible to distinguish two types of division in the Church: the schism between East and West, and the internal divisions in the Church of the West from the 16th century. Lumen Gentium, nn. Sixty years later, the Conciliar teaching remains a source of inspiration and the guide of our activity, particularly the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium and the Decree Unitatis Redintegratio. They contemplate in the Scriptures the life of Christ and what the Divine Master taught and did for our salvation, especially the mysteries of His death and resurrection. It was for this reason that Pope Pius XII in 1949 had condemned an exclusive interpretation of the axiom "Extra ecclesiam nulla salus".9. This clarification was provided by the Council in the Constitution on the Church with the much-discussed formula "subsistit in": the Church of Jesus Christ subsists in the Catholic Church (cf. A series of official events, however, also prepared the ground for it. Newman, Tradition has not become fossilized but is living. They must recognize that this is of supreme importance for the faithful preservation of the fullness of Christian tradition, and for bringing about reconciliation between Eastern and Western Christians. 14. Other divisions arose more than four centuries later in the West, stemming from the events which are usually referred to as The Reformation. As a result, many Communions, national or confessional, were separated from the Roman See. But the problems we encounter must not let us forget the rich fruit that it has yielded. It is most important that future shepherds and priests should have mastered a theology that has been carefully worked out in this way and not polemically, especially with regard to those aspects which concern the relations of separated brethren with the Catholic Church. Yet worship in common (communicatio in sacris) is not to be considered as a means to be used indiscriminately for the restoration of Christian unity. It commends this work to the bishops everywhere in the world to be vigorously stimulated by them and guided with prudence. 1 ff., 9, et al.). The daily Christian life of these brethren is nourished by their faith in Christ and strengthened by the grace of Baptism and by hearing the word of God. [32], In certain special circumstances, such as the prescribed prayers for unity, and during ecumenical gatherings, it is allowable, indeed desirable that Catholics should join in prayer with their separated brethren. It is the urgent wish of this Holy Council that the measures undertaken by the sons of the Catholic Church should develop in conjunction with those of our separated brethren so that no obstacle be put in the ways of divine Providence and no preconceived judgments impair the future inspirations of the Holy Spirit. When such actions are undertaken prudently and patiently by the Catholic faithful, with the attentive guidance of their bishops, they promote justice and truth, concord and collaboration, as well as the spirit of brotherly love and unity. But Sacred Scriptures provide for the work of dialogue an instrument of the highest value in the mighty hand of God for the attainment of that unity which the Saviour holds out to all. East and West: two forms of the same ecumenical movement. 16. D.H. Lawrence, Every moment is precious, even the ones behind me that I often reflect upon with a reserved smile. What has just been said means that every particular Church which celebrates the Eucharist is a Church in the full sense of the word, but not the whole of the Church (cf. [6] For all you who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 2, 18-19. 23. 3 On its part, article 18 ofthe Directoryforthe Application ofPrinciples and Norms on Ecumenism identifies some factors that necessitate the . Together with the mission, ecumenism is the way of the Church through the 21st century and the third millennium. The crux of the problem in the relations between East and West is the issue of Petrine ministry (cf. Despite their different, often considerably differing stances, the reformers conceive of the Church as a creatura verbi whose point of departure is the Word of God24 and not the Eucharist. 10-14). As a spiritual movement, the ecumenical movement does not uproot Tradition. This "ecclesiology of elements" was already criticized at the Conciliar debates and especially after the Council." Catholics therefore are earnestly recommended to avail themselves of the spiritual riches of the Eastern Fathers which lift up the whole man to the contemplation of the divine. 'Subsistit in' expresses a historically concrete ecclesiology. Unitatis Redintegratiodraws out this implication explicitly, and attempts to describe what is meant by such imperfect communion. Nevertheless, our separated brethren, whether considered as individuals or as Communities and Churches, are not blessed with that unity which Jesus Christ wished to bestow on all those who through Him were born again into one body, and with Him quickened to newness of life - that unity which the Holy Scriptures and the ancient Tradition of the Church proclaim. For the closer their union with the Father, the Word, and the Spirit, the more deeply and easily will they be able to grow in mutual brotherly love. 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