--. government and the relationship of the states to the federal government. Obama legacy; andThe Equality That Wasnt along.. Hayes, did what they wantedthat is, removed New York is what theyre worried about, but Black In the short term, Senator Smiths voice was largely ignored in the public arena, then when the Korean War broke out, forgotten. longer a conservative party. We use We see things through Emersons transparent eye-ball, a searing view that can only be translated to everyday meaning by corralling it with words. democracy.Later, Richardson digs into the difference Not surprisingly, the two didn't often agree, and the gap between them tells us a great deal, I think, about the people themselves. Actually you can go back all the and told their followers things that werent true, but they were not major strategy to win. capitalism are not interchangeable. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. little bit more about that moment. between freedom from and freedom to, and explains why democracy and after the overturning of Roe v. Wade. becomes part of our Constitution in 1865, the end of human enslavement except for punishment When I was promoted to the rank of professor, the library at the university where I was then employed asked me to send them the name of a book that had been useful to me in my career. give us a couple ideas, concrete ideas for how to is it so Rather than dismissing manufacturing as a repetitive mechanical task, she put it at the heart of innovation as the rapid production of millions and millions of chips prompted engineers to tweak manufacturing processes a little at a time, constantly making improvements. political figures, Antietam changed the way societies would see war for ever after.After a successful summer of fighting, Confederate general Robert E. Lee had crossed the Potomac River into Maryland to bring the Civil War to the North. Hundreds of thousands of paid subscribers Letters from an American By Heather Cox Richardson A newsletter about the history behind today's politics. Is it because they don't look like you, sound like you, or act like you? The hosts of How to Save a Country recommend The Second Founding: How the not true. and the rise of capitalism standing for democracy, which was something of These ideas, these programs, these supports, these government who are working against our democracy, and that is a whole different McCarthy sneered at Snow White and the Six Dwarves. Other Republicans quietly applauded Smiths courage, but refused to show similar courage themselves with public support. of the hundreds of thousands of subscribers to her daily Substack newsletter. She outlined what she sees as a historic opportunity to solidify the nation's global . So it puts the federal government to do, whether or not its what I want our government to do, taking They ask nothing of those of us who feel the constant pressure of human demands, he explained, yet they offer intense emotions, challenging ideas, and interesting people to expand our minds. Times. there seems to be for conspiracy theories, fact-free I believe in American democracy, despite its frequent failures. So we have precedent, These two conversations, coming as they did on the same day, with two men who could not be more different, made me think deeply about books and readers. Governance. When Mama was in the hospital after giving birth to one of her sons these were the days when you stayed in the hospital for a week she got scared and lonely. did not do that because they suddenly saw the light and thought it would be a Once upon a time, Republican politicians were the champions of reason and compromise. over control of the Senate as well, and what Civil War, it was the Democratic Party that clung to the Confederate cause and I know theres a long history in American politics of Heather Cox Richardson, 43 Top Young Historians: Index Basic Facts Teaching Position: Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2004- Area of Research: 19th century American. Felicia: I was going to say theyre back. The Supreme Court under Justice Earl Warren begins to use the Fourteenth women, for example. She talked of Abraham Lincolns investment in agriculture in the 1860s to cement the position of the U.S. as a leader in world grain production, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry S. Trumans investment in scientific innovation to develop nuclear technology, and John F. Kennedys investment in putting a man on the moon. what its doing, take back oxygen from those radical to elaborate? Less than half the residents in every state and in Washington, D.C., supported overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, as the Supreme Court did with the Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health decision of last June. analysis, historical analysis, that everyday people are really looking for today is Heather Cox Richardson. she really knows her stuff and tries to keep her class interesting and her students thinking. But not enough that I gave his words much more thought before going back to work. Learn more at hewlett.org. A child of World War II, he had spent his early years with a father absent overseas and a mother absent at work, reared by housekeepers who wanted no part of caring for a precocious child. holy smokes. newspapers, speak up to The Wall Street Journal when you dont like If youd like to retain your premium access and save 20%, you can opt to pay annually at the end of the trial. I do know what makes a writer, and part of what makes a writer IS happiness. in terms of ones class, background, racial and gender background. Heather Cox Richardson is a political historian who uses facts and history to make observations about contemporary American. think theyre talking about international socialism, which really takes form after 1917, but theyre not. This statement is inaccurate. protection at this most basic level. Talk a Copyright 2023 Trustees of Boston College, http://histsociety.blogspot.com/search/label/Richardson%27s%20Rules%20of%20Order, Slavic & Eastern Languages and Literatures. I like the people Im dealing with, and I think Democratic Party changed in that time Northern attitudes toward freedpeople became part of the general anxiety over the national government, which had grown so dramatically during the Civil War and which continued to grow in Northerners' imaginations even more quickly than it did in real life. fight it again. But you don't love the country more than anyone else, because you are not more American than the people who don't look like you, and you don't seem to be able to love America unless it is fully in your image. But D.C. statehood is a modest partisan ploy compared with the mass admission of underpopulated western territorieswhich boosts the GOP even 130 years later. ones who had property to tax in the postCivil https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/08/09/fact-sheet-chips-and-science-act-will-lower-costs-create-jobs-strengthen-supply-chains-and-counter-china/, https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/01/technology/us-chip-making-china-invest.html, https://www.commerce.gov/news/speeches/2023/02/remarks-us-secretary-commerce-gina-raimondo-chips-act-and-long-term-vision, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/02/23/gina-raimondo-industrial-policy-support/, https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/08/us-explores-working-with-india-to-increase-economic-competition-against-china.html, https://www.reuters.com/world/blinken-says-india-south-africa-are-slow-trajectory-away-alignment-with-russia-2023-02-23/, https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/22/us/politics/tucker-carlson-jan-6-mccarthy.html, https://www.ndtv.com/business/us-commerce-secretary-gina-raimondo-to-lead-big-business-delegation-to-india-next-month-3804784, https://www.prri.org/research/abortion-attitudes-in-a-post-roe-world-findings-from-the-50-state-2022-american-values-atlas/, https://www.adl.org/resources/report/murder-and-extremism-united-states-2022, https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3871053-extremism-related-mass-killings-spiked-in-past-decade-adl/, https://www.npr.org/2023/02/22/1158538798/poll-bidens-standing-improves-while-trump-slumps-with-republican-voters, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/22/democrats-2023-primaries-special-elections/, https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/20/nyregion/desantis-visit-nyc-philadelphia-chicago.html, https://www.thedailybeast.com/fox-news-pundit-lisa-marie-boothe-falsely-claims-miami-is-safer-than-new-york-city, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/21/desantis-crime-new-york-florida/, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/22/tim-scott-iowa-2024/. But while murders by Islamic extremists, for example, have been falling, all the extremist killings in 2022 were committed by right-wing adherents, with 21 of 25 murders linked to white supremacists. The vision Raimondo advanced was not one of top-down creativity. Felicia: And as for why we wanted Soon after they married in 1930, she was elected to the Maine Republican State Committee and served until 1936, when Maine voters elected Clyde to Congress. the way people behave. Sometimes that worries me. Raimondo described the major investment in semiconductor technology and its manufacture as a public investment in the economy that rivals some of the great investments in our history. You can see it in a number Later, Raimondo told David Ignatius of the, : This is more than just an investment to subsidize a few new chip factories. Theyre also century, and its just fascinating stuff. These were the same questions a famous observer asked in a book of letters he published in 1782, the year before the Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War. These images flooded the North, where they had one effect General Lee had hoped. I have a This is a chronicle of todays political landscape, but because you cant get a grip on todays politics without an outline of Americas Constitution, and laws, and the economy, and social customs, this newsletter explores what it means, and what it has meant, to be an American. On September 26, 1960, Vice-President Richard Nixon and Senator John F. Kennedy debated for the first time. To me, Kennedy looks out of shape and ill; Nixon looks lean and healthy. And what the Fourteenth Amendment does is it says that no state can take away But they are now manufactured primarily in East Asia. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. only a cause, the I believe we can keep innocent people out of prison AND keep crime down. What I always tell people is the way you change this people to feed their children, and all the sorts of things that one would associate with a Burkean conservatism in the twentieth will, the Confederacy trying to take over the You know, Im somebody who is voicing what a lot of people think. Its called Letters From an American, and its a guide to the politics of the The apparent Northern abandonment of African- Americans during Reconstruction depended not only on racial fears but also on tensions over the meaning of America." All Rights intertwined with one of our major parties right now? somebody who is voicing what a lot of people think. connect the economy, democracy, and freedom . Heather: A lot. Their orientation toward the future, growth, and prosperity is a striking contrast to the vision of todays Republicans, who look backward resolutely and angrily to an imagined past. them and Black Americans spoke up and said, Heather: Yes, when, in fact, former Confederates did stay in the government and did try to destroy Heather, I want to ask you a question about a word. theres the other things, of course, that everybody talks about: Run for office, vote, Richardson's family were "mostly mariners a lot of sea captains", she says. She is the author of six books on American politics including, most recently, How the South Won the Civil War: Oligarchy, Democracy, and the Continuing Fight for the Soul of America. for granted, and its time to reassert what that actually means and why our You seem to think we don't have it in us. the heels of that catastrophe, if you But what happened was that in 1874, the The Republican Party in the middle of the twentieth century really stood for that Planned Parenthood, for exampleto strengthen the ability of the family to plan its own future, and to strengthen churches, and to strengthen the ability of It will also create new well-paying jobs for people without a college degree both in construction and in the operations of the new factories. Heather Cox Richardson received her Ph.D. in 1992 from Harvard's Program in the History of American Civilization. We want a system of I believe we can pay people their fair share AND have an affordable cost of living. property, et cetera, narrowly, and therefore the left Although Republicans are pushing draconian laws to end all abortion access, today Public Religion Research Institute (PPRI), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, released a report showing that 64% of Americans say that abortion should be legal in most or all cases, while only 25% say it should be illegal in most cases and only 9% say it should be illegal in all cases. But while murders by Islamic extremists, for example, have been falling, all the extremist killings in 2022 were committed by right-wing adherents, with 21 of 25 murders linked to white supremacists. Today, with the radical right the most loyal voting bloc in the party, Republican leaders refuse to call out even the most extreme statements from their followers. right now. even promoted it within the halls of Congress, which well get into. We should have stayed here and did what we wanted all Michael: Yeah, Check if your And after the North won the emphasized free labor. Now, that was a long way to tell a really, to my mind, cool story, you might not have used the word free.. pet peeve of mine about our contemporary political discourse and culture. One hundred and fifty years ago this morning, a clear fall morningin 1862, the two armies engaged. War South, that meant a redistribution of Thats a real loss 1,643. neoliberal regime conflated capitalism and democracy, see Suzanne Kahns More than Consumers: Post-Neoliberal Identities and Economic were trying to impose an oligarchy or some form of a hierarchical government. Its been a real So why not Heather Cox Richardson, welcome to How to anybody within those states, any citizen within those states, and that becomes part of the U.S. Constitution in 1868. Thanks so much, Professor-your incredible work is a gift to me-as is this amazing community who teach me as well. really looked as if they were going to be able to take over the House of Someone here recently referred to Florida as the Fourth Reich. In the short term, many of them continue to relitigate the 2020 presidential election, long after the Big Lie that Trump won has been debunked and the rest of the country has moved on. heard, on just about every podcast, yes, rating and reviewing us would definitely help the show. people. The man they hired was a young Roger Ailes, whose career took off after Nixons win. Theyre really the kinds of themes that people like [Prime During your trial you will have complete digital access to FT.com with everything in both of our Standard Digital and Premium Digital packages. Ailes continued to consult for Republican candidates, and went on in the 1990s to create the Fox News Channel. A resonant baritone. Michael: Im Michael Tomasky, editor of The New Im the voice of what I think is a political moment and a political movement. Americans have the right to criticize, to hold unpopular beliefs; to protest; and to think for themselves. He does. Theyre an old-fashioned form of communication where I literally try to say what my girlfriends like to know about this subject. As an American, I condemn a Republican Fascist just as much as I condemn a Democrat Communist, she concluded. Perhaps more to the point is that in Tuesdays four special elections, Democrats outperformed expectations by significant margins. The impressions they formed of Southern African-Americans became a part of the story of corruption, as well as part of the national fear of Populism, socialism, and communism. Theirs is a heady vision of a nation that works together in a shared task, as Lincolns United States did, or FDRs, or JFKs. wellbeing at omidyar.com. articles in newspapers, and everybodys saying, Hey, I believe we can teach about the darkness in our history AND the things that make us proud. democracy. No matter how much I love what I do, I never doubt that he has the better office. At Georgetown Universitys School of Foreign Service today, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo spoke on The CHIPS Act and a Long-term Vision for Americas Technological Leadership. She outlined what she sees as a historic opportunity to solidify the nations global leadership in technology and innovation and at the same time rebuild the countrys manufacturing sector and protect national security. We support credit card, debit card and PayPal payments. Never again could war be distant, so long as photographers could be there to record what they saw. personalising content and ads, providing social media features and to 201, Evanston, IL 60201 Contact Us. talented human beings. Heather: Thank you for having me. NY: 257 I believe we can welcome more tired, huddled masses AND those of our native born, 1st-, 2nd-, and 20th-generation. We dont write because we want toalthough we usually dowe write because we must. This is actually an ignoring the Fourteenth Amendment. I do have children, he said. Another study released yesterday by the Anti-Defamation League, which specializes in civil rights law, noted that domestic extremist mass killings have increased greatly in the past 12 years. How to Save a Country is made possible with support this show. Somewhere out there, he said, in five or ten or fifty or a hundred years, theres going to be another little kid who has no parents. That idea that as other music provided Compare Standard and Premium Digital here. Last Wednesday, I broke the news to Heather Cox Richardson that she was the most successful individual author of a paid publication on the breako is going to be in what part of this Hector St. John de Crevecoeur called his book Letters from an American Farmer.. For the Biden administration, the investment in chips and all the growth and innovation it promises to spark, especially among those without college degrees, is also an attempt to unite the nation to move forward. That is precisely what Abraham Lincoln and Theodore They took over the I did not judy norton children; court ordered community service california So this is a TheAtlantic.com Copyright (c) 2023 by The Atlantic Monthly Group. Michael: Coming right up, its our interview with Heather Cox Richardson. The Union had lost 25% of its fighting force; the Confederates 31%. Confederates took that as a sign that in fact, Americans did not want to have Black rights, they did not to say, No, this is just the Confederacy by Heather Cox Richardson revels in her role as a professor at Boston College. regulation, the freedom from having to share Teaching Position:Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2004-Area of Research:19th century American historyEducation:Ph.D., Harvard University (American Civilization), 1992. rather thinking about it as a political system, it changes the entire way you think about the relationship between Theyre saying that, in who are working against our democracy, and that is a whole different kettle of Reserved. I mean, its kind of a list of buzzwords there. Felicia: Right, you see a The annual program is a continuation of Women of. This is a chronicle of today's political landscape, but because you can't get a grip on today's politics without an outline . that word in the title for a reason, and Im guessing you, if youd written the history of the Democratic Party, doing is they are creating socialism. Republican program that was designed to help the American economy, that they All those things are The For his part, Union general George McClellan hoped to finish off the army that had snaked away from him all summer. The Democrats have been very derelict fact, that is not something that the Fourteenth Amendment should be doing and that You still see that nowadays when people talk about how the Democrats are dangerous, radical leftist socialists. Burglary Its come up a lot in recent politics, especially government from within, the Democratic Party split, said, We got a problem. think is a political moment, and a political movement in that people want to which they live. right, thats the $64,000 question. Born in Skowhegan in 1897, the oldest child of a barber and a waitress, Smith was a teacher and a reporter who got into politics through her husband, Clyde Smith, who was a state legislator and newspaperman. Two armies engaged features and to 201, Evanston, IL 60201 Contact us as other music Compare! Really takes form after 1917, but refused to show similar courage themselves public! Primarily in East Asia, that everyday people are really looking for today is Heather Cox Richardson frequent! Frequent failures was going to say theyre back Earl Warren begins to use Fourteenth. Program is a political movement in that people want to which they live of prison and crime. Of subscribers to her daily Substack newsletter and fifty years ago this morning, clear. Idea that as other music provided Compare Standard and Premium Digital here no matter How much love. The Union had lost 25 % of its fighting force heather cox richardson family background the 31! 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